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Domburg Out of Africa into Tintigny

Multi Ch Lynx de la Clairiere aux Louves x Ch Domburg Reve D’Amour

Domburg Out of Africa into Tintigny
Africa, dam of the Tintigny Naughty Litter and Domburg Out Litter

This adorable girl stole our hearts on an impromptu visit to Domburg in spring of 2000 and we were very privileged to bring her home as our own.


Africa has inherited many of the qualities of her famous dam, India, and is a delight to live with.  She has already proven herself as a producer, giving us a quality litter sired by Bentley which resulted in two champion offspring under the Tintigny affix.  In her second and final litter, 9 puppies born under the Domburg affix have inherited her many virtues and quickly made their mark in the show ring, four gaining their champion titles and a fifth winning a CC and RCCs. 


Our sincere thanks to Linda for giving us this ultra special girl and to Africa for being such a gentle, loving and wonderful companion

2011 Top Pastoral Brood Bitch, Domburg Out of Africa into Tintigny

There are no words darling girl, we miss you every moment of every day. Goodnight, God Bless, see you in the morning sweet Ra-Ra xxx

Belgian Shepherd Dogs based in Scotland, UK
Estab 1990
© Copyright Tintigny
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