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Show Critiques, Memphis

Northern BSD Ch Show (13/09/24)

OD, 1 Burke's Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny. 2 and a half yrs.  Nice size and shape. Presents very nice outline. Good length of head. Would prefer slightly better headplanes,. Medium dark eye, expression could be a shade sweeter.  Ears good size, well carried. Lovey flow from neck to excellent topline. Good bone and good feet. Stands well in front. Nicely angled behind.  Nice steady temperament.  Very well handled, presented in good coat. Could be a little better coming towards but very nicely balanced in side gait. Excellent,

Dog CC

Paul Lawless (Judge) Revloch



Welsh Kennel Club ( 16/ 08/24)

OD, 1st Burke’s Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny, 2 ½ years old top quality boy, well proportioned head of good length with medium sized dark eyes with enquiring look and ears set high, scissor bite and good pigmentation, well muscled neck fitting well into his shoulders, body powerful yet elegant and well off for coat, well angulated quarters providing typical brisk movement, shown to advantage, well presented. Dog CC, told later it was his 3rd. Congratulations!

Keith Baldwin (Judge) Nightstorm



CRUFTS Ch Show (11/03/24)

LD, 1st Burke's Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny.  Very stylish tall 2 year old male. Lovely head, well chiselled with sufficient stop and very typical expression. Dark brown eye of good shape. Lovely small ears, sufficiently high set. Excellent  reach of neck into good firm topline,  croup a little sloping, well-defined underline. Correct balanced angulation. Excellent depth of chest, though still a little narrow in front. Excellent presentation. Moved freely round the ring.

Jean-Louis Vandenbemden (Judge) Van de Hoege Laer



Northern BSD Club Ch Show (17/09/23)

LD, 1st Burke's Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny.  20 months, tall elegant boy with a very typical, harmonious outline and presented in excellent coat and condition. Long balanced masculine head with good parallels. Brown obique set eyes full of life! Pleasing expression. Good chiselling. Would prefer a bt less strength to skull but that said presents as a typcal masculine boy! Good pigmentation. Small high set ears carried well. Beautiful flowing neck line and good height at withers. Short back, croup slightly sloping. Balanced angles. Good tuck-up. Picks himself up so well. Good feet. Moved well in all directions, a dog with great temperament and attitude, pleased to award him the CC

Janet Phillips  (Judge) Tanje



Darlington Ch Show 17/09/23

LD, 1st Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny. Young dog whose development matched his age. Moderate, balanced angulations, a little long in loin. Long, chiselled head with parallel head planes. Almond-shaped eyes, would prefer them a shade darker. Medium-size ears, well used. Covered the ground on the move RCC

Jo Armstrong (Judge)



Paignton Ch Show, 04/08/23

LD, 1st  Burke, Mrs T & Mr J Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny:

19mths old, tall, elegant male of excellent type, developing proportionately throughout. Lovely balanced head, good length of muzzle. Medium ears, well set and carried high, dark almond eyes, obliquely set , with typical soft, enquiring expression. Well split mouth with excellent pigmentation. Lovely reach of neck, nape arched and flowing into distinct withers and level topline, held well on the move. Long graceful forelegs, well muscled. Chest deepening. Good turn of stifle and rear angulations. Elegant underline, showing pleasing harmonious profile in stance . Good length of tail, correct set and carriage. Long topcoat of correct texture. Moved well all ways, pleasing side gait. Lovely temperament, alert and attentive. Maturing well, an eye -catching male of quality and type, pleased to award him the DCC

Jan Munro (Judge) Groeneveld



SKC Ch Show, 21/05/23

JD, 1st Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny, 17 months, nice quality and type. Head of good length, nice eye and erect ears. Medium neck into square body, good depth, nice bone and tail well set. In good coat and when settled moved well. Class.

Tom H Johnstone (Judge)



Birmingham National Ch Show,  04/05/23

JD, 1st Burke's Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny, 16 months liked his head, good planes, dark well placed eyes, good ear set. Outline is strong and topline firm, with nice muscle on loin & thigh. Moved with a brisk action, with drive & reach enough to work

Christina Chapman, (Judge)



CRUFTS, 10/03/23

PD, 1st Burke's Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny, 14 months and full of confidence. Of good bone and substance he is eyecatching. Liked his head with very good parallel lines, almond eye obliquely set, very good pigment and well split mouth. Good reach of neck into pleasing shoulder, liked his overall proportions. A little erratic on the move mainly caused by his exuberance

Deborah Penniston Fleming (Judge) Ailort



Scottish Kennel Club Ch Show,  02/10/2022

P, 1st Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny  8.5 month old male a youngster of excellent type with a lot to like about him.  In full coat.  Body shape square giving a pleasing outline. Head of good proportions with nice chiselling under the eyes. Ears set high and used well. Good dark eye of correct almond shape. Cheeks flat. Scissor bite with nice dark pigmentation. Neck nicely muscled and of good length and reach. Good straight front and moderately angled throughout. Topline held on the move and when standing. When asked to move he did so with an exuberance that clearly displayed his personality, one of fun and joy. A lovely temperament and attitude to everyone and everything around him, BPIB.  This young man I feel has a very promising future

Pam  Maclellan, (Judge), Debruix



Darlington Ch Show,  17/09/2022

PD, 1st Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny *** 8 month puppy dog of excellent type. Really liked this young man, he took my eye as soon as he came into the ring. Excellent overall square body with lovely flowing lines both from his withers to his tailset and his underline. Excellent head of good proportions and length of muzzle. Good dark eye of excellent shape and obliquely set. Small triangular ears which are well set and used constantly. Correct dentition with scissor bite. Lovely reach of neck, good height at the withers. His depth of chest is already developing well and he stood very well with good angulations front and rear. He was a little loose on the move but covered the ground well. He was very well presented, has a super temperament and  I think would have shown all day. Very pleased to award him Best Puppy and I shall be monitoring his progress closely

Trevor Wheeler, (Judge), Grondemon



Birmingham City Ch Show, 01/09/22

1st: BURKE, Mrs T & Mr J Niavana Quite Simply Tintigny *** 7 mth old male, nice size & balance, pleasing head, nice eye & expression, good head planes, touch narrow on front, which I am sure will improve with age, ok on profile movement, needs to settle on the up and down, in nice coat. Best Puppy

Marion Sargent, (Judge)



NBSDC National Specialty, 31/07/2022

1st MPD, BPIB :  6 months, good size for age. Expressive head, good muzzle and skull, minimum stop, nice dark eye. Complete scissor bite, well pigmented lips, ears well set, nice top-line, chest of good form, well angulated. Moves well for age, nice coat, VERY PROMISING

Dirk Spruyt, (Judge), Belgium



6 month old male with good bone for age, long well balanced head with oblique almond eyes, typical expression, tall ears well set and used, excellent length of neck, profuse coat of good texture. Well angulated shoulder and rear giving balanced easy movement, lovely puppy

Kay Morris, (Judge) Cairbar



BSDA National Specialty, 30/07/2022

1st MPD, BPIB :  6 months old, complete scissor bite, very good pigmentation, very good type with lovely expression, straight muzzle, minimum stop, skull has to become a bit more flat, dark almond shaped eye, small ears very highly placed, nice neck, square build with excellent topline and croup slightly sloping. Needs to develop more in front, still a bit narrow and elbows slightly turned out. Good depth of chest, well angled in front and rear. Good pasterns and nice cat feet. Good coat and undercoat, nice temperament. On the move covers enough ground, moves with drive, still narrow in front and turns out elbows, good tail, VERY PROMISING

Myriam Vermeire (Judge), Belgium


Went on to win BPIS under Colin Munro (Groeneveld)



Belgian Shepherd Dogs based in Scotland, UK
Estab 1990
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